The Color of Sky under Lightning

   the color of sky under lightning
   and the scent of air under fog
   and the sound of leaves under foot
   and the taste of secrets under oath
   and the feel of spider silk under
           your hand,

   the color of blood under skin 
   and the scent of shampoo under perfume,
   and the sound of promises made under breath,
   the taste of secrets under oath  
   and the feel of a watch under
           your coat,

   the color of blue under stone washing,
   the scent of humus under dry leaves,
   the sound of cotton underneath
   and the taste of a cuff chewed under stress
   and the feel of sweat under
           your arms

   as you lie to me in the forest,
   the scent of deception in the air,
   the sound of the falsehood in your voice,  
   the taste of ashes in your mouth
   as you feel me walk away from
           your embrace.