Dream of the road in front of your house: are the soldiers' bodies rotting? There were rifle-bearing men: no boys in that terribly-tasked army, not under their helmets, not inside their clothes; they demanded your men to come out to save you, so they did. You had prayed for mercy, too late: it came, a bomb from American air, after your men had entered the truck: too late, too late, but they will never know. And you opened your mouth and held your hands over your ears, knowing the twin-tailed shark of the sky would come screaming by: and it blew fire onto your roof. It was time to leave; it is time to leave again. The Americans point rifles as that other army did; one of them told you We call the sky shark "Strike Eagle" the fast-punching bird-of-prey, you think, American nobility not working, on the picket line.